Admission Process at IE University
Candidates at SUPERNOVA willing to apply to IE University programs must take an admissions test which allows IE to measure their competencies, skills and personality characteristic. Candidates must also satisfy all the regular requirements for the Foundation Program plus the following:
The Spanish Government requires a minimum of 3 A-Levels. IE University makes offers in the range of A B B to A*A*A*.
Additionally, IE University strongly recommends taking subjects relevant to their chosen program. If you are not able to provide relevant subjects you may be asked for some additional academic requirements.
Although the Spanish government also requires a minimum of 5 GCSEs at grade C or higher, IE University applicants should preferably have obtained As and Bs, especially in the subjects relevant to their chosen program.
IE University welcomes IB Diploma students. The rich, diverse, and globalized learning environment we offer enhances learning for each individual and our unique learning environment becomes a seamless transition from the IB Diploma to IE University.
Typical admissions are based on scores between 32 and 45. The average final IB score of our students is 36. IB Students must present the full IB Diploma, since the IB Certificate is not legally accepted in Spain.
Please note that we only accept the first IB results, no retake exam scores will be considered. Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor.
We are looking for final BAC results of 14 or over (Mention Bien and Mention Très Bien). The average final BAC grade of our students is 15/20. Please note that we will take a holistic approach when assessing your application.
IE admissions process is conducted solely in English. Therefore IE does not ask for any English language certificate but the Admissions Committee reserves the right to require one, at any point during your application process, if they consider that you are not completely fluent in English.
Letters of recommendations and transcripts can be accepted in French.
The Baccalauréat professionnel is not accepted.
Candidates applying with the Baccalauréat technologique will only be assessed in case their academic trajectory and overall profile are outstanding. Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor.
You should be aiming for a final average of 2.5 to 1 with Sehr Gut or Gut in subjects most closely related to the bachelor you want to study.
We are looking for a GPA score of 3.2 or more.
Although not required, AP and Honors Courses are highly recommended.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor.
Important note: The Spanish Ministry of Education requires that all students graduating with a US Diploma present the transcripts of the last 3 years of High School ( Year 10, 11 and 12), and do not allow students to skip any academic years. For those students enrolled only in year 12 and graduating with the US Diploma, they are expected to present transcripts of the equivalent of Year 10 and 11 in their corresponding academic systems, otherwise, they won’t be able to obtain the homologation to the Spanish educational system.
The minimum requirements for the Italian National system are 7/10, with a 75/100 minimum for your final Maturità score.
Specific subjects may be required depending on the bachelor.
Letters of recommendations and transcripts can be accepted in Italian. Istituto Tecnico and Istituto Professionale are not accepted.
IE only accepts the first EBAU/EvAU results from June, no retake exam scores will be considered. IE is looking for an overall score of Calificación de Acceso a la Universidad (CAU), mandatory section, of higher than 7 (out of 10).
IE University does not require that students take any subjects in the Fase Voluntaria of the EvAU/EBAU but is highly recommended and valued during the admissions process. Specific classes may be required depending on the bachelor.