Available Bachelors at NOVA University Lisbon

These are the degrees available in all six NOVA Schools that you can apply for after SUPERNOVA and the language in which it is taught. Please note that your application must be made according to the rules and the number of places defined by each School for International Students.

NOVA School of Science and Technology (NOVA FCT): (Lectured in Portuguese when in the Lisbon Campus)


NOVA Information Management School (NOVA IMS) – Data Science : (Lectured in English)

  1. Data Science
  2. Information Management;
  3. Information Systems;


NOVA School of Social Sciences and Humanities (NOVA FCSH): (Lectured in Portuguese)


NOVA Medical School (NMS | FCM): (Lectured in Portuguese)


NOVA School of Law (NOVA Direito): (Lectured in Portuguese)


NOVA School of Business and Economics (NOVA SBE): (Lectured in English)