About CY Cergy Paris
Cergy Paris University is a diversity driven, socially and internationally-oriented institution in the northwest of the Paris metropolitan region. Cergy Paris is commited to a responsible challenge to reconcile social progress and economic effeciency, quality of life and enviromental protection, preservation of resources and creation of new energies.
CY Cergy Paris University takes research to a very high level with its five graduate schools. At the same time, CY Cergy Paris University is developing Chairs of Excellence to strengthen the attractiveness and competitiveness of research on its campuses. The transfer of technologies and knowledge, made possible thanks to collaborations with companies within the scope of the chairs, is a priority. The ambition for excellence of the CY Cergy Paris Université researchers also involves alliances with European (EUTOPIA), African (South Africa, Cameroon, Senegal, Mauritius) and Asian (China, Singapore, Vietnam) universities. In particular, the european University alliance EUTOPIA is composed of 10 European Universities of excellence, including NOVA, and four international associate members.
To shine internationally, CY Advanced Studies, an institute of advanced studies, welcomes around a hundred international researchers each year and organizes world-class scientific events.
In 2020 Cergy Paris University meant 25000 students, 550 PhD students in 5 doctoral schools, 1000 researchers within 24 laboratorues including 10 Joint Research Units (UMR), all working in 220000 square meters spread over 12 campuses.
Rankings and Reputation

CY Cergy Paris University is one of the best public universities in Paris, France. It is ranked #751-800 in the QS World University Rankings 2023.

In 2021, CY Cergy Paris Université progresses in the Times Higher Education (THE) Impact Rankings from rank 601+ to rank 301-400 and ranks 10th in France with the collaboration of ESSEC Business School